Beverly Mason
5 Dangers Posed By Squirrels Living In Your Attic
If they can, squirrels will enter a home through the roof. After all, attics contain lots of nice, soft nesting material in the form of insulation. Attics also make a good place to store food, such as acorns. But although squirrels are cute, they can become a danger to you and your household if allowed to run riot in your attic. The best you can do if you discover you have squirrels in your attic is to hire an animal removal service to get rid of them in a humane manner.
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How A Pest Infestation Begins And What You Can Do To Keep Bugs And Mice Away
If you work hard to keep your home tidy and clean, you may wonder how you end up with an infestation of roaches, spiders, ants, or mice. It's important to understand how pests get in your home so you can keep them out when possible. There are also ways you can keep a few bugs from multiplying and taking over your house. Here's a look at how a pest infestation starts and what you can do to keep pests under control.
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About Termites In Your Home
As a homeowner, you need to be aware of termites because they are pests that can infest your home without your knowledge and they can be in the home for a long time before you suspect you may have an issue. While termites are in your home, they will be silently destroying it. The longer they remain in your home and the larger their colony is allowed to grow, the more damages they will be causing.
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They're Not All The Same: 4 Things You Might Not Know About Winged Termites
When you own a home, you need to worry about protecting your investment. One way to protect your investment is to keep the bugs away. If your home was inspected for termites at the time of purchase, you might think you're still protected. But, that might not be the case. Termites can invade your home at any time. If you are worried about termites, you may inspect your home for signs of infestation.
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Four Benefits Of Pest Control Services
Pests in the home can create a lot of unnecessary stress for homeowners. When you hire pest control services, you can be sure that you are handling the unwanted pests as safe and efficiently as possible by highly trained professionals. Here are a few benefits to using routine exterminator services and why you need this service in your life. Keep Diseases Away Some pests that make their way into your home have a likelihood of transferring diseases to humans and pets.
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How To Keep The Neighborhood Skunks From Moving Onto Your Land
Skunks may be cute, but they are quite a nuisance. And this is not just due to their smell! Skunks can also dig holes for their dens that compromise your home's foundation. If they make their way into your garage or shed, their feces can spread disease. There are so many reasons to keep skunks away, and if these animals are already in your neighborhood, you're going to have to work pretty hard at it.
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Wildlife On Your Property Should Be Professionally Removed Right Away
Wildlife can be great to watch when you see an animal in their natural habitat. However, wildlife can bring a lot of problems your way if a wild animal decides it wants to make your property it's home. Some wildlife is less invasive than others, but most of them bring some type of problems that you won't want to deal with. Here are some ways wildlife can be problematic and reasons why you should have those animals removed from your property by a professional:
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Ants In Your Food? How To Remove Them Safely
If you have ants in your food, it can be very stressful. The last thing you want to do is toss all of your food, unfortunately, this is what you're probably going to have to do with at least some of it. You can safely remove ants from your food, pantry, and your home. Read on for helpful information to use as a guide. Start Removing The Food To start, take the food from your pantry, inspecting it to see if the ants are actually inside the packaging.
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4 Ways To Keep Rodents Out Of Your Home
You don't want rodents, such as mice, rats, and squirrels, to be able to get into your home. Rodents could not only damage your home, but they generally also carry diseases with them as well. In order to keep rodents out of your home, you need to make some changes to your home. Way #1: Properly Store Your Food Rodents love to eat, which is why you need to make sure you properly store your food inside of your home.
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Cockroaches At Work? Get Rid Of Them Now
One of the most detested pets in the United States is certainly the cockroach. Nobody wants to see cockroaches at home or work. If you have seen roaches in your place of business, you know that it can be not only a nuisance to you but also a deterrent to customers and clients. These tips will help you eliminate cockroaches from your commercial space for good. Cockroach Sticky Traps One of the first options people consider for fighting these pests are glue traps.
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