Beverly Mason

  • Getting Control Of Your Ant Problem: 3 Things To Know

    Ants may seem like tiny harmless insects, but they can be a real pain when you have hundreds or thousands of them in your home. They seem to come out of nowhere, and you could soon have them all throughout your house. The ants that you usually see are likely worker ants that are on the lookout for food to take back to their colony. These pests will find food in all sorts of places and take it back to their colony to survive and thrive in your very own home.
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  • Having An Issue With Termites? What You Can Do

    Termites are a pest that no homeowner wants to hear that they have. If you have your home inspected, only to find that you do have termites, you need to take care of this problem right away. Termites can easily chew through the wood in and around your house and leave nothing but sawdust in their wake. A termite infestation can end up leaving your home so dangerous that it is uninhabitable.
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  • Have You Seen A Brown Recluse In Your Home? Tips To Get This Scary Spider Out

    Brown recluse spiders are poisonous, and they are scary. Fortunately, you can get this spider out of your home in many ways. Keep reading to learn three tips to help you. You and your family can then rest easy knowing this dangerous spider is no longer in your home. Where They Like to Hide Brown recluse spiders like to hide in many different areas. You can find them underneath beds, under kitchen and bathroom sinks, inside closets, underneath furniture, underneath kitchen and dining room tables, and behind televisions.
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  • The Five Most Surprising Bed Bug Hiding Places

    The first step to controlling bed bugs is finding out where they are coming from. Bed bugs don't always hide in obvious places like mattresses. Sometimes, they'll hide in unusual places, and then once night falls, sneak out to feed on their human victims. If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation but you can't find out where they're coming from, then make sure you inspect the following places.
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  • Honey Bees in Your Yard or Home? What Needs to Be Done

    Honey bees are insects that serve a purpose in our environment. They are responsible for pollinating the plants and trees you see outside every single day. Without honey bees, we won't have these things and the world wouldn't look the same at all. Honey bees may serve a purpose in the world, but this doesn't mean you want them doing their great work from the siding of your home, or in the tree right next to your house.
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  • 4 Times When Calling a Pest Control Company for Help With Bugs or Rodents Is a Good Idea

    Since pests are so common and they're found nearly everywhere, you may wonder when you need to call a pest control company and when it's safe to deal with pests on your own. DIY pest control efforts might be successful sometimes, but it often takes a professional to eliminate stubborn or dangerous pests. Here are four times to consider hiring a pest control company. 1. When The Pests Threaten Your Home
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  • Preparing For A Pest Control Service Visit

    Whether you are dealing with a mouse, insect, or small animal problem inside of your home, you likely want to have pests removed as quickly and easily as possible. Pest control services provide professional assistance in the removal and prevention of future pest outbreaks. Here are steps to take to ensure a successful outcome. Provide The Service With Details When you call a pest control service to make an appointment, let them know as much as possible over the phone so they are aware of the extent of the problem.
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  • Mice In Your Crawl Space? What You Can Do

    Your crawl space may not be an area that you frequent too often, but if you have been inside and have seen signs of mice in your crawl space, you need to do what you can to get rid of them before they find their way to the rest of your home. Mice can easily get to the rest of your home from your crawl, as it's located directly beneath your house.
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  • Tips for Dealing With Jerusalem Crickets

    If you've never seen a Jerusalem cricket before, you might be shocked to see one crawling across your kitchen floor. These insects are large with a frightening appearance, so you have every reason to be alarmed. While you're more likely to encounter a Jerusalem cricket outside, they sometimes come indoors in search of shelter, food, and water. Here are some tips for dealing with Jerusalem crickets. Call a Pest Control Company to Identify the Insect
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  • 2 Ways An Exterminator Can Help You

    Raccoons and opossums may have their place in the wild, but they certainly don't have their place in your house or yard. If you have noticed that you're starting to hear noises in your attic or crawl space, it could be that you have one of these critters taking up residence in your house. Signs that you have a raccoon or opossum in your house can include things like hearing scratching noises in the night, pets that seem to be fascinated by a certain spot in your wall or ceiling, or bits of trash or insulation around your house.
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