Tips for Dealing With Jerusalem Crickets

Posted on: 11 November 2020

If you've never seen a Jerusalem cricket before, you might be shocked to see one crawling across your kitchen floor. These insects are large with a frightening appearance, so you have every reason to be alarmed. While you're more likely to encounter a Jerusalem cricket outside, they sometimes come indoors in search of shelter, food, and water. Here are some tips for dealing with Jerusalem crickets. Call a Pest Control Company to Identify the Insect
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2 Ways An Exterminator Can Help You

Posted on: 27 October 2020

Raccoons and opossums may have their place in the wild, but they certainly don't have their place in your house or yard. If you have noticed that you're starting to hear noises in your attic or crawl space, it could be that you have one of these critters taking up residence in your house. Signs that you have a raccoon or opossum in your house can include things like hearing scratching noises in the night, pets that seem to be fascinated by a certain spot in your wall or ceiling, or bits of trash or insulation around your house.
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5 Dangers Posed By Squirrels Living In Your Attic

Posted on: 19 October 2020

If they can, squirrels will enter a home through the roof. After all, attics contain lots of nice, soft nesting material in the form of insulation. Attics also make a good place to store food, such as acorns. But although squirrels are cute, they can become a danger to you and your household if allowed to run riot in your attic. The best you can do if you discover you have squirrels in your attic is to hire an animal removal service to get rid of them in a humane manner.
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How A Pest Infestation Begins And What You Can Do To Keep Bugs And Mice Away

Posted on: 6 October 2020

If you work hard to keep your home tidy and clean, you may wonder how you end up with an infestation of roaches, spiders, ants, or mice. It's important to understand how pests get in your home so you can keep them out when possible. There are also ways you can keep a few bugs from multiplying and taking over your house. Here's a look at how a pest infestation starts and what you can do to keep pests under control.
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